Location Wise Daycares
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Answers to frequently asked questions /doubts on the daycare decision for your child

ProEves is the largest aggregator and booking partner of preschool and daycare in India. It is a one stop place that provides information regarding multiple centres - their contact details, features, fast facts. A parent does not have to call different preschool and daycares to get information. Parent can search for preschool or daycare basis their area of preference. While looking at the preschool and daycare centres listed on the portal, parents can request for any of the below details.
  • Mom References – References of moms/parents using the centre
  • Block a Visit - Block a date for appointment /visit to the centre
  • Counsellor Chat – Block a chat with a ProEves admission counselor
  • Register for Fee & Discount - ProEves will share fees and applicable discount (if any) once the request is made
ProEves does not charge any commission to the parents in finding the best preschools or daycare for the child.
Scientifically it is proven that birth to age three are the most important years in a child's brain development. So the sooner the exposure to learning happens, the better it is.
  • Playgroup - 1.5 - 2 years
  • Pre Nursery - 2 - 3 Years also known as Junior Toddler Program
  • Nursery - 3 - 4 years also known as Senior Toddler Program
  • Kindergarten - 4 - 5 years
Health and hygiene of your little one is and has always been of utmost priority to us. To support daycares and preschools to reopen post Covid-19, ProEves has prepared standard operating processes that centres must follow as they plan to open, incorporating best practices, guidelines from reputed global and Indian bodies and in consultation with child safety and child care experts. Centres go through the digital training. Centres are required to go through this comprehsnevive e training module, which is followed up with an online quiz and a call with the centre. On successful completion, centres receive a safety first digital badge on the listing. The training has the following sections -
  • Preparedness & Planning
  • Screening, Arrival & Dismissal Protocol
  • Social Distancing Protocol
  • Centre Cleanliness & Hygiene
  • Meals & Kitchen Hygiene
  • Cleaning and Caring for the Child Creating
  • Quarantine Plan
The following factors are considered while finalizing a preschool:
  • Distance for the child to travel
  • Indoor and Outdoor Infrastructure - Child friendly infrastructure, spacious and ventilated room
  • Qualified teachers on early childhood education and care
  • Teaching methodology/ curriculum
  • Centre fees and parent budget
  • Program and curriculum
  • Daycare environment and infrastructure
  • CCTV surveillance
  • Adult child ratio
  • Facilities such as healthy meals
  • Emergency numbers/ on call doctor
Different preschools follow different curriculum. It is important that the preschool focuses on multiple skill development. The curriculum should focus on language development, gross motor and fine motor skill development, physical, social and emotional development. It should encourage creativity and expression in the child and focus on cognitive development through introduction to various concepts, numeracy skills that builds logical development