
Pluto Kids follows a perfect balance of the Montessori methods and the classical method to ensure that every child grows uniquely. The Multiple Intelligence approach of Howard Gardner and the Montessori Methods by Maria Montessori form the base of methods of learning. Children at Pluto are groomed under the unique education system devised by the school's Research and Development department. Every required Montessori apparatus is provided in the schools. The Education methods followed are the ones most adaptive in today's world. Additional Fees: 14000 per year (including one time admission fees, book set and kit)

Class Duration

60 minutes

Child Age

1.5 - 2.5

Class Frequency



01 May - 01 Apr

Days - Mon - Fri
Timing - 09:00 AM
Learning Goal

Early Learning

Fine motor

Gross motor

How It Works

Inquisitiveness is a Child
- 5 Online sessions every week - 1 Parent Webinar every month - PTA ( frequency) - Worksheets book set including readers workbooks and notebooks completion certificate
On booking, you will be provided all the details on email