Your house is like a whirlwind, there is no dull moment, one moment your toddler is here doing something and the next moment he/she is there doing something else. They are full of crazily high energy, never seem to get tired.
Sounds familiar? Take a deep breath. Let me tell you something, we all have been there.
Toddlers are full of energy, excitement and curiosity. Add short attention span this becomes a nerve-wracking combination. Hence they need new activities, something to keep them engaging, something to pique their curiosity.
So, here are a few activities that are fun, engaging, kids friendly with easily available ingredients.
So let’s get started –
✓ Colourful Edible Playdough/doodly dough –
Stir the flour, salt together, then slowly add warm water and food colouring to make the dough.
Keep stirring (and add more colouring if needed) until the dough reaches the right consistency and lastly add Little oil to the dough to keep it smooth and soft, and
Tada… the smooth, colourful dough is ready !!!!!!
✓The Salt Tablet –
Take a serving tray/baking tray or any flat shallow pan spread salt in it
And start writing!
✓Blow but don’t Throw –
Take disposable cups/glasses and a straw, keep glasses on the table upside down, Using a straw, try n move the glasses by blowing air through a straw, see how far it can go.
The one with maximum movement and with fewer drops win.
✓The Water Glass Xylophone –
Making a water glass xylophone is so easy. To begin, we gathered the following supplies:
4-5 identical drinking glasses
Fill different levels of water in each glass and ask kids to use the spoon and tap on the glasses. They will be amazed to hear that each glass sounded different!
✓Sort it Out –
Kids have this habit of leaving their toys and other things all over the room. We can engage them in the activity and let them help you in collecting and Keeping the things in one place by this trick. Ask them to get their Toy Box ( a box where they keep their toys ) and count the toys once they put them inside the box, or ask them to collect the identical colour toys in separate boxes and containers and shout the colour each time they are putting it in the box. This way the mess will be cleared, the kids will be engaged and they will learn the colours and numbers and also will get into the habit of keeping their things at the place.
✓Best Out of Waste –
We can involve kids by simply creating something fun and interesting by the things lying waste in our home. We can use the old bottle caps and make a spider from them, want to know how ??? Here are the Steps –
Best out of Waste Steps for Itsy Bitsy Spider:
Take the bottle cap, Cut eight strings into equal lengths. Stick 4 – 4 strings on each side of the cap, this will become the spider’s leg, Now stick two bindis for eyes ( if you have googley eyes it can be used )
Best out waste steps for eggshells coffee garden-
Take some coffee powder and mix with soil and leave it aside. Fill the eggshells with soil, Plant the seeds, Pour some water over them.
You can label the shells by writing the respective names of the persons who all planted the seeds, Now keep watering the eggshells, take care of the newly planted shells and See herbs rise.
We can still engage kids without any stuff or ingredients but simply by telling them stories and playing fun games related to the very basic and good habits like reading, Saving money, healthy Lifestyle, cleanliness, sharing, helping others, showing respect and caring etc. We can teach them these by telling them interesting stories, doing a fun-filled role play or telling them some of our fascinating experiences on the same.
Hope the Time spent with kids during these activities become the memorable one. Do share your feedback on how your Little one found the activities, which activity fascinated them and keep following us for an interesting read.