5 Tips to help Preschoolers or Toddlers overcome Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is a very common and normal fear that children have of being away from their parents. This fear increases as they start school. It normally happens when children get upset around people they don’t know. While this kind of behaviour is totally normal for toddlers, particularly at fraught moments like school or daycare drop-offs but it is certainly not easy on parents.

Here are a few tips to ease the separation anxiety:

Have a warm-up session

The first day at a new school always incites tears. The majority of kids take their time to get used to a new situation/environment. Simplify this transition with a warm-up session. Make a before-school visit with the toddler. Try to mingle the kid with the teachers and let her explore the classroom. With Mom or Dad comfortably close at hand, kids can gather the courage to explore their new surroundings. Have a discussion with teachers on how to ease separation anxiety.

Create a goodbye signal

A proper goodbye signal can determine a toddler or preschooler’s reaction. Don’t sneak off from the child’s sight without hugs or kisses. It creates panic among kids when she doesn’t find their parents nearby. It’s always better to keep your goodbye short and to the point with a snappy hug, a peck on the cheek, and a “See you soon, darling!”. It’s important that we as parents maintain good body language. Body language can convey that you’re just as sad as he is.  It’s always better to stand up straight after a goodbye hug and smile. It’s your way of saying, “You’re going to have an awesome day!”

Maintain a routine

It’s always better to maintain a routine with preschoolers. Create a morning routine picture chart that shows exactly what she’ll be doing to get ready for school. If anything will be different about preschool, like a field trip, mentally prepare your child in advance. Showing her that some things never change will help her handle transitions at school.

Create more Bye-Bye events

Many times kids are very attached to mothers. If she steps out of the door, the kid starts crying. So it’s important that mothers should create more “see you later” events. For example- Going for a walk, or a short shopping trip while the husband takes care of the kid. Helping her see that your bye-bye doesn’t always mean an eight-hour separation may make her more willing to see you leave preschool.

Read with her

Try telling her stories of schools with actions. Read classic books with her that tackle school separation anxiety, like Anna Dewdney’s Llama Llama, Misses Mama or Audrey Penn’s The Kissing Hand. It will help the kid to feel to be apart, but it can spark new ways to deal with it. Once your sweetie knows the story, try telling him each morning, “I always come back, just like Mama Llama does.

Is your child ready for preschool? Check what is the right age to start preschool. And how to choose the best preschool for your child.

For more resources for toddlers and preschoolers visit ProEves.