India Inc gears for Integrated Childcare Support in 2022

The last 2 years have seen corporates come up with novel patterns of supporting an employee to battle COVID-19. We have seen corporates raising the bar in supporting parents who have been faced with balancing work life, engaging children, and homeschooling. Few organizations with who we work as parenting and childcare partners have made a concerted effort to address these issues faced by parents. Organisations are reinventing and rearranging childcare benefits to suit parental needs given the unpredictable nature of the pandemic. 

Trends in the childcare industry have also changed dramatically in the past two years with preschools and daycares coming up with novel ways of extending learning for little ones. Just when we saw pre-schools and daycares opening up in parts of India, we were hit by the Omicron wave, forcing organisations to defer their return-to-work plans. Despite that we see corporates gearing up to re-launch the physical daycare benefit in the hope that this wave is short-lived. 

Organisations intend to offer a suite of flexible childcare benefits as a go-forward strategy to their childcare agenda in 2022. Integrated benefits will consist of near-home physical daycare, learn at-home options, virtual skill enhancement camps, 1-1 childminders, and in some cases nanny and allowance support. 

*Proeves Trends Survey Nov 2021

Also, increasingly organisations are realising that working parents need help engaging children after school and caring is not limited to under 6 years of age only. With that in view, they are introducing after-school skill enhancement programs for children up to 13 years of age and we are seeing an increase in demand for 1-1 childminders to address the learning gap that children are facing on account of school closures.

2022 will continue to see organizations drive aggressive agendas around childcare and parental care to retain employees and keep the pressure off them given the unpredictable times that we are faced with.

We at ProEves understand the challenges that our partner organisations are facing and have been supporting over 100 plus organisations to enable inclusive and integrated childcare services. To understand industry-wise trends and get details on how we can support you in your childcare journey reach out to us.  

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