1. Excuse Me! A Little Book of Manners
A perfect book of manners for a toddler. The book has cute illustrations of little babies who always display good manners. Simple and repetitive, yet it’s the perfect way to introduce those magic words. Kids will have fun lifting the flaps to discover the right words to say-“Excuse me!” and “I’m sorry!” A must have for your library!

2. Time to Say “Please”!
Mo Willems’ this piece is a fantastic children’s book that helps teach children good manners. Willems doesn’t overburden his readers with too many rules, just the basics of “please,” “thank you,” “excuse me,” and “I’m sorry” (a board game is included to reinforce the lesson). Attractive illustrations such as signs, blimps, balloons, toys etc helps every word in this book stand out, which emphasizes the message. Good for slightly older kids 4+ age groups.

3. Do Unto Otters: A Book About Manners
Mr. Rabbit is worried about how he will get along with his new neighbours, the Otters. A wise owl advices him to ‘just treat otters the same way you’d like them to treat you’. The story also explains the importance of apologising when someone is wrong and forgiving others when they apologise to you. Preschoolers and toddlers will be delighted at the humorous way in which the social skills are introduced.
4. Be Polite and Kind (Learning to Get Along)
This picture book explains the importance of manners and being respectful of the feelings of others. It also teaches children how to speak kindly through role play activities. This would be a perfect book for the pre-school classroom especially during a lesson on manners. Appropriate for ages 4-8.

5. Martha doesn’t say Sorry!
“Martha Doesn’t Say Sorry!” is a delightful book. Martha is sweet but she is ready to do just about anything-except say those three little words: I am sorry! This book teaches kids that people who’re polite and kind are the ones others like to be around. Kids are able to relate to Martha’s character, especially the ones aged 3 and above. A pitch-perfect picture book to have in your bookshelf that offers the gentlest of lessons.