There are so many science activities that we can do to satisfy the curiosity of little scientists. If you are looking for an interesting activity that promotes home learning using simple household items, here is one that your toddler will spend hours on. Sink or Float is one such activity that will encourage your child to make observations and predictions based on their understanding of density of objects around
You can do this activity in kitchen sink, bathroom, or outdoors in the garden. Ask your child if he/she knows what it means to sink or float. You can talk about why some items float while others sink to the bottom. Talk about the activity as doing an ‘experiment’ which means to try out different ideas and note the observations.

Items required:
-A large transparent bowl
-Objects of different materials and sizes like a cork, straw, metal car, plastic toys, feather etc
Sink or Float !
Fill a large bowl with water. If you are doing the experiment indoors, you would want to place a tray below as a lot of splashing will happen. Have your preschooler pick an object, feel its weight and guess whether it will sink or float before dropping it into the bowl. Let your child observe what type of objects float and which sink. Stress the fact that it is not the size of the object that determines whether it will float or sink. You can make this activity more interesting for your toddler by adding jello crystals.

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