Were you really surprised when your child’s daycare staff appraised him for being well behaved there? Do you wonder why the same child who is so pleasing & well mannered at daycare throws tantrums at you often? As parents, we all face this situation where we wonder what as parents are we doing different to be at the receiving end, always!!
Here the we must analyse the atmosphere closely. At home your child often get away with errors & mistakes, he can afford to be choosy of what he is eating, what time does he want to sleep, which TV show does he want to watch. As parents we let them take things for granted & that encourages them to misbehave & being stubborn.
At daycare, there is immense focus on child’s overall development & providing the right atmosphere for growth is an important part of it. A nourishing atmosphere which fulfils all your child needs but still discourages his unwanted demands, sets just the right expectation in him.
So, how does a daycare bring up well behaved & disciplined children –
1. Disciplined schedule
Be it menu for lunch or nap time; everything is pre-decided & child has to adhere to it.
2. Peer support
Child grows with other children of different age groups & nature. He learns with his friends, pushes himself to appease teachers & other kids. This brings out the best in him.
3. No guilt decisions
At home, we often out of guilt of being away from children allows them to get away with things they ideally should not. At daycares, the staff of emotionally strong & they do not hesitate to strict actions if requires. Your child, very early in his life learns the lesson – He is not the king. This prepares him well to face the outside world, much earlier than other kids.
4. Love & care
The atmosphere full of love & care at daycare fulfils your child emotional needs. This nurtures him & make him an emotionally stable person.