“No one prepares you for this” – this saying fit new parents perfectly. However, prepared you were with all the planning & calculations you did around starting the family, expenses & support, everything seems to fall apart when baby arrives. Helpings hands & family in the initial days eases the transition but you are on your own after few days. The real struggle & stress starts then. There could be various issues involved with child’s birth –
1. Lack of support
2. Demanding work
3. Post delivery health issues
4. Lack of sleep
5. No knowledge about newborn’s issues
The excitement & happiness of new arrival should never be dampened with problems new parents face raising them. Here are few tips to curb them & ensure that the birth of your child remains a happy memory for you!!
1. I don’t know what I should be doing ?
Trust your parental instincts & stop worrying about your actions all the time. As parents you know what’s best for the child & you can never go wrong. Search & read abt common infant issues but you will know what’s right always.
2. I am all consumed!
Do not make this mistake. Give yourself & your health priority. Your child needs a happy & healthy mother. Make time for yourself. Do not hesitate to seek support. Explain your time out needs to your partner & build a calendar for your night outs & meditation classes.
3. Work Or family ?
Give you love & heart to your little one but not at the cost of your career. Take a break if need arises, enjoy it, build a support system & resume work. Your child will adapt & turn into a lovely independent kid.
4. Weighty issues
This issue bears a lot of weight honesty. It’s women to be wanting to be back in your pre delivery figure. Give healing time to your body & adapt a lifestyle that helps you in healing & not stripping away your strength & stamina. Be careful about the information around. Choose wisely.