In today’s world, with so much quick access to technology – phones, tabs, laptops & television; it is observed hoe kids are often glued to screen & outdoor playtime is ignored. The culture now is taking outdoor play away from toddlers through excessive TV and computer use, busy and tired parents, educational accountability and academic standards that push more and more developmentally inappropriate academics into our early childhood programs, thus taking time away from play. Though many of the developmental tasks that children must achieve—exploring, risk-taking, fine and gross motor development and the absorption of vast amounts of basic knowledge—can be most effectively learned through outdoor play.
Benefits of Playing Outdoor Games for Children
1. Great Learning : Playing outdoor games can be a brilliant way to enhance learning abilities in kids. They may learn important life lessons and skills, develop a problem-solving attitude, get to explore nature, acquire new information and an elementary understanding of science. Moreover, it is learning done through play which can be the best form of learning.
2. Healthy Physical Development : Outdoor play keeps kids active and provides a means to increase their physical stamina and fitness, strengthen their muscles and bones, build immunity, and promote overall better health. Being in the fresh air and sunshine can naturally provide them with the essential vitamin D.
3. Boosts Creativity : Indulging in outdoor games can inspire kid’s creativity. Being in the open natural surroundings can stimulate a child’s imagination and may stir up a lot of artistic and inventive ideas in him.
4. Acquire Social Skills : Kids may learn to interact effectively with other kids while playing outdoor games in contrast to kids who remain indoors and often become isolated and withdrawn. They may be forced to give up their shells, approach different children, make new friends, take turns to play without adult supervision thereby acquiring social and communication skills in the bargain.
5. Positive Attitude : Children who play outdoors tend to develop a positive attitude and have a calmer and happier disposition. Also, outdoor play provides a great opportunity to channelize kid’s natural energy in a meaningful way.
6. Personality Development : Outdoor play aids in positively developing the personality of a kid. They learn to be independent and self-reliant. They learn to deal with situations on their own, handle emergencies, negotiate setbacks and unfamiliar conditions, sans adult supervision which may instill confidence and make them better equipped to tackle life situations later on. They also learn qualities like discipline, sportsmanship, and team spirit.
7. Improves Attention Span : Playing outdoor games helps to improve the mental faculties of kids. It aids in expanding their attention span & improves their concentration and focus.
8. Attain Motor Skills : Engaging in outdoor games can help kids develop their gross and fine motor skills. They achieve better agility, coordination, and balance by playing outdoor games.
9. Love for Nature : Kids who spend considerable time outdoors may be more inclined to establish a lifelong bond with nature. They may become conscious of the environmental issues like global warming, deforestation, animal conservation and take steps for preserving the nature.
10. Healthier Lifestyles : Kids who productively involve in outdoor games are more likely to lead a well- balanced and healthy lifestyle later in their adulthood. They have good decision-making abilities. They learn to challenge themselves and push their limitations thus becoming better at risk assessment.
Preschool including Aptech Montana, Amelio, Cosmikids, KLAY, IPSAA, CDC Kids, Safari Kids, Maple Bear, Mindseed, Feathertouch, Vedic Lore these days encourage a lot of outdoor play. In their outdoor spaces, children have greater, more active input into what and how they learn.
To build upon kid’s curiosity, the teachers at these preschool place several items about the play yard to encourage exploration. Teachers understand children’s developmental needs and recognize their curiosities, they offer many opportunities for children to learn about themselves, each other, and their environment. Their curriculum includes planned activities, as well as let ideas emerge from interactions that occur while outside.