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Simple tips to beat the heat for your kids

Summers are fun, bright & a time every kid looks forward to. It’s time to be away from school, exams & studies. It’s a time to be outdoor in the bright sun enjoying your favourite sport with your friends.

Children are most excited about their annual break but it makes mothers anxious as along with fun comes prickly heat, dehydration & bacterial infections. Soaring temperatures & humidity provides the perfect breeding grounds to germs leading to lot of health complications.

There are ways by which a lot of these complications can be avoided. Few expert tips from top preschool brands –

1.       Keep it light  

Maple Bear say that the key is to lightly dress your child. Loose & natural fabric provides the much-needed ventilation & keep the body temperatures low.

2.       Keep the child well hydrated

Safari Kid asks its parents to ensure that the children stay well hydrated with possibly all home-made drinks. Nimbu paani, aam panha & fresh juices along with lots of water. A complete no to aerated drinks.

3.       Protective gears

The Learning Curve asks its children to carry caps & scarfs when on a outdoor trip. This provides protection from the harmful UV rays.

4.       Cooling food

The Courtyard team says that along with outside preparation, we must provide our child’s bodies from inside to take on the heat. Cooling drinks & foods like curd & lime drinks do the trick in keeping the internal temperatures down. Cucumber is a great finger food to give to children while they are enjoying their favorite game with friends.

With the above tips, we are sure we will make this summer break memorable for children.

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