Pre-schools and daycare centers that work with young children have such a unique opportunity to guide students and families toward a lifetime filled with a love for learning. Curriculum is an important part of this process. Curriculum is everything that students learn. It can be implicit or explicit, planned for or spontaneous. Proper planning is involved in making curriculum because the small children have small retention and concentration capacity.
Aptech Montana International Preschool and Childcare
At Aptech Montana, curriculum is scientifically researched and has been
crafted by experts in the field of early child education. It comprises the
Multiple Intelligence method, which is a cognitive approach and enables
children to develop their intelligence through concrete, experimental and
exploratory learning.
The Playway method strives to develop your child’s creativity, imagination,
social and practical skills through play. This method also encourages parents
to actively participate in their child’s activities and also connect with
teachers and caregivers. The Reggio Emilia Philosophy believes that the child
develops through a process of continuous learning & that the teacher is the
co-creator in this process. This method is known to foster
curiosity-inquiry-investigation in the child.
Structured early childhood development helps children to learn more about the world around them from their peers and their teachers. An engaging environment and fun learning, it is essential for children as they continue through life and school. It encourages socialization, fine motor skills, and the basics of academic education needed for children to succeed later in life.
At Cosmikids, Curriculum offers flexibility and effectiveness. Educating through a curriculum provides a flexibility in the process that can be beneficial for a child’s learning. A good curriculum should tap the talents of a child rather than merely providing a guideline. The individual educators can then contribute their observations, apply their methods and modifications that they have shaped through experience, in order to finally implement the curriculum in educating the child.
When researchers and educators come together to form a scientific curriculum, it incorporates all the important factors needed to develop a child. It therefore is more scientific and practical to be put to use and benefit young minds.
CDC Kids
CDC kids introduced, the unique feature of the Montessori school – where by each child is given the freedom to choose his activities based on what benefits his or her natural curiosity and corresponding to the special needs of his or her sensitive period of inner growth. The Montessori Method respects the innate drive in each child that guides him/her to instinctively take hold of what he/she needs most to learn at that given moment. CDC kids divided the whole curriculum in a very planned and spanned around Edutainment Time, Activity Time, Thematic Learning Approach, Brain Development Puzzles, Music and Movement.
IPSAA Daycare
Ipsaa employs a curriculum that is developmentally appropriate yet challenging. As children progress, they provide them with space and freedom to grow and learn, for example older children are given the character forming responsibility to curate their own schedules. At ipsaa, with a fundamental understanding of the Theory of Constructivism, the mentor mums deliver the individual and community needs of every child, and in doing so apply the ipsaa core philosophy of putting care ahead of education. Ipsaa endeavors to be a space where children, protected by rules, are given the freedom that will ultimately shape their individuality.
KLAY Preschools
Crafted by experts in the field of early years education, the program draws from the Theory of Multiple Intelligences proposed by Dr. Howard Gardner of Harvard University. Trained educators create personalized learning experiences designed to encourage a positive self-image while celebrating each child’s unique personality, intelligence and creativity. Teaching and learning philosophy is based on Multiple Intelligence, inquiry based learning and experiential learning.
Safari Kids
Safari Kids created the early childhood program for the 21st century. Classical approaches like Montessori and Reggio Emilia go back at least half a century, and Eastern approaches even further. They combined best practices from these two with the insights from newer research to ensure early brain development and rounded development. They have a customized approach based on the child’s preferred style of learning.
The Learning Curve
The Learning Curve curriculum and activities are designed for the holistic development of the child – physical, social, cognitive as well as emotional development. By planning activities that allow the child to explore the physical environment, exposing them to music every day, engaging them in group activities as well as allowing time for child-directed activity, they ensure your child develops into a well-rounded individual. Equally, your child will learn concepts in environmental science, math or language through stories, experiential activities, interaction with concrete objects or pictures, rhymes, games and fun activities. At the Learning Curve every type of learner – auditory, visual and kinaesthetic – will discover the joy of learning.
Maple Bear
Maple Bear believes, learning through experience and exploration. When children enter school, they regard learning as a pleasurable experience and so are naturally inclined and eager to learn. It is important that the program reinforce and build on this positive attitude by offering varied stimulating and enjoyable experiences. The knowledge and skills that children acquire by the end of kindergarten and elementary school, along with positive attitudes towards learning developed in these early years, form the basis of effective learning in their later years of school and post-secondary education.
At Mindseed, they constantly track every child’s behaviour and talents to gain valuable insights into where their genius lies. This helps teachers to customise the learning according to every child’s innate abilities. Children learn best when they are practicing, exploring materials and absorbing the sensory information from the world around them, rather than just sitting and listening to a teacher. At Mindseed they have created more than 1000 activities to help kid engage and learn.They run a well rounded 360 degrees skill based curriculum.
To check what curriculum would suit your child. Book a counsel with our expert counsellor . Or to get Mom References for preschools you are evaluating for your child. Register now
Please note: This is just an alphabetical order listing, it does not indicate any ranking.