Mom & free time do not get along well. Once you become a mother, you forget to give yourself a break. Yes, it’s the mothers who forget that they deserve a moment of silence when no one yelling & asking for some help… that moment when they are enjoying a piping hot cup of coffee & not a cold one.. Few moments of laughter with an old friends without any interruption.
Motherhood comes with a huge cost – “The Mommy Tax” and we pay that tax with our time & energy. In India things are more difficult where people have not woken up completely to gender balanced households where both the partners take up the responsibility of child care. Though, we do see a change in attitude of young dads who takes up the responsibility of child to give their partners some breather, but things are far from being balanced.
In the absence of traditional setup, it’s the women in urban families who suffer the most. They sometimes rely on non verified household support & maids in emergency. All of this can lead to serious safety issues. Its time women realise that they too deserve a break from mad busy schedule & give themselves & their child a safe & secure time off from each other.
We have observed that this time off works well for both child & mother. When a mother has happily awarded herself some “Me Time” everyday – it only makes her happy to return to her child. Child too values his time with his mother rather than taking her for granted.
Sakshi Bansal –Admin of one of the most active FB mommy group “Happy Moms Raise Happy Kids” firmly believes that mothers needs to cater to their emotional needs & happiness before they can pass that on to their families. A tired, sulking mommy cannot build a happy family, forget about emotionally happy & well developed child. A mother is like a car which needs refueling every now & then.
The website helps mothers find a suitable daycare options for their kids. There are hourly, daily, monthly daycare options that are available. The site further extends counsellor support option to speak & discuss your daycare requirement.
Some of the centres that mothers can contact to find out more about the flexi & hourly booking are –