When Sarika’s son started losing hair when he was 8 months old, she thought it’s just some normal calcium deficiency. Its only when she approached a diet expert, did she come to know the reasons behind the excessive hair loss at that age. She was relieved to find the right reason & solution to her child’s medical situation.
In a country like ours, where we have a kitchen remedy for almost every issue, it’s easy to overlook the importance of an expert opinion for our child’s health & diet issues.
Toddlers aged 1-3 years are growing and developing quickly and it’s an important time to make sure they are eating well. Toddlers need a diet made up of foods from the all main food groups, in the right balance and in portion sizes just right for them. Their medical conditions & habits need attention at the right time too.
If your child prefers a single type of food, indulging in sugary foods only then as a parent you must reach out to an expert. Nutrition is a science & is well understood by the experts who can guide you in the right direction. The duties of pediatric nutritionists revolve around the health of children. Pediatric dietitians plan menus, incorporating balanced diets supporting healthy nourishment. They also counsel children or parents on healthful eating and basic nutrition.
Any behavioral issues of infants or toddler are also best understood by these experts.
So in short they are your best guide for situation like –
1. Snacking options for toddlers
2. Till what age you should breastfeed your child?
3. Screen addiction during meal. What can be done for that?
4. How to introduce solids to infants
5. How to continue feeding after joining back work
These and many other issues make a toddler’s parent life very difficult. We often seek information & cures from internet & other parents who have been through this earlier. However every child & every situation is different & the solutions applicable to them may or may not work for you. Hence it is highly advisable to approach the right expert for your queries & doubts.
Leading preschool & daycare Safari Kid is conducting a free Facebook chat with India’s leading expert – Sonali Shivlani. Sonali is an Internationally Certified Pregnancy, Lactation and Child Nutrition Counselor. She is the Executive Director of CAPPA India and the Director of the Pregnancy Fitness Educator Program – CAPPA International. In addition to her unique pregnancy and post partum programs, Sonali is also the co-founder of the Brain Stimulation and Parenting program for 0-3 years.