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7 Expert Tips for new mothers to keep their infants safe

Your baby is most fragile in her first four months. Her head is bigger than her body, and
her neck isn’t strong enough to stabilize it. Hence utmost care should he taken in the first
few months. Around the four month mark the baby will start putting things in his mouth, that’s when
you will need to start making sure that everything around the house is child friendly.

Shalini Ahuja Agarwal CEO of Safe Baby, India’s first professional child safety company in association with Podar Jumbo Kids shares some tips for new mothers on keeping their infants safe.

Taking a class on infant and child CPR is extremely beneficial. Encourage your spouse
and other care-takers of your child to take the class.

For starters, here is how to choose your child’s essential products safely:

1. Crib

2. High chair

3. Bouncer

4. Stroller

5. Toys

6. Changing table for diaper or how to change diapers safely

7. Other key pointers:

To know more about Podar Jumbo Kids, register here.

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