School is out, the days are long, and free time is abundant which may lead to increase in screen time. That’s where summer camps come in. Summer Camps are good for balancing out the unstructured, school-free months by providing opportunities to meet new friends, discover new interests, learn new things and have loads of fun. But these days almost every school is having a summer camps. And parents get confused with so many options.
Here are few tips to help you choose the right summer camp for your child –
1. Child’s Interest – Try to find a camp that combines your child’s interest with an educational component. Most camps do come with some sort of educational component built in; But, if you can find a camp that your child will enjoy, then your child will look forward to going for the camp.
2. Security – If the summer camp is happening in a place where you have never been to. Then you should visit it once before finalizing. Ask questions about how will they ensure each child is safe and accounted for on field trips and in the campus.
3. Referrals – Ask your friends, relatives and neighbors about summer camps. When it comes to sending your children to a new place, it’s hard to beat the referral from a good friend, family member or neighbor whose own child attended the same camp in the past. Those who know your child — his personality, his fears, his strengths and weaknesses — will be able to help you find a camp that might be well suited for him.
4. Online Reviews – Look for a camp that has a history of positive online reviews. Thanks to the Internet, you can easily search for reviews. Remember to take each review with a grain of salt, but if a camp has an overwhelming amount of positive or negative reviews, there’s a good chance that those reviews are giving you a good reflection of the camp.
5. Pricing – Think of camp as an investment. Kids gain so much by attending summer camp. They build self-confidence, meet new friends, and gain independence in an inspiring setting. Sure, some camps are expensive, but when you look at the lengthy list of short-term and long-term benefits, you’ll realize they’re almost always worth the cost.
Check out our exhaustive list of summer camps happening in different cities across India – Summer Camps all across India.
Happy Camping!!