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Why healthy breakfast is important for Preschoolers/Toddlers?

Most children tend to skip breakfast, either because of lack of time before going to preschool or because of absence of hunger in early morning or just have milk. But we forget that while you sleep, your body goes without food for 8 to 12 hours. Therefore, breakfast is a great way to fuel your body up for the day, giving it much-needed energy. Children who skip breakfast tend to feel tired, moody, restless and irritable throughout the day. This affects their ability to focus and concentrate during school (imagine the things that they might be missing during lessons!).

Here are some more reasons  –

Make your toddler’s/preschooler’s’ breakfast with foods that are high in whole grains, fibre, protein and DHA because these help to boost their memory, concentration and attention, which in turn will help them to learn better in school.

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