Let’s hear from Sapna Krishnan, a Stay at Home Mom and a staunch believer of the benefits of breastfeeding which made her become a Mompreneur through her venture Threads and Shuttles an upcoming brand in nursing and women’s wear.
Tell us something about yourself ?
I am a native of Kerala but have been in different places for education. We moved from Bahrain to Pune for schooling and I have spent a major part of my growing years there. For my Bachelors in Computer Applications, I moved to Bangalore and my working years continued in Pune. My last job was as a Graphics Designer and Content Writer with Femina, Pune after which I moved to Bangalore post marriage. We are now a small family of 3, which includes a Chef Husband, a 3 yr old princess and I.
How you got inspired to create Threads&Shuttles – a clothing brand dedicated to nursing mothers?
When my daughter was born, I hadn’t done my homework and neither did anybody warn me. I struggled with nursing in public. The clothes I had weren’t comfortable and the thought of having to nurse my baby in public always made me wary and I was holed up at home. A little research online and I came across a few nursing wear that served the purpose but weren’t budget friendly. It made me think about the people who can’t afford one. And thus, T&S – Threads & Shuttles was born. While we try to make it budget friendly, we also have the option to customize a nursing wear, through fabric choices and size, as per the customer’s requirement.
Tell us something about your breastfeeding journey?
My breastfeeding journey was nothing short of beautiful. I would be lying if I say we haven’t had our struggles. We did have latch issues, the worry of not producing enough, well-wishers trying to force-feed solids before the 6month exclusive breastfeeding period, cluster feeds, sleepless nights and so much more. I had joined a support group just in time and I have to say, I was saved. The journey has only been smooth thereafter and we completed 3 years of a blissful breastfeeding journey. Also seems like we have reached the end of our full term breastfeeding as she hasn’t nursed in a few days.
Were you having any experience in making and designing clothing for women? What is the most rewarding part about your work?
My father worked in an appliances company, where their main product has been sewing machines. During my school days, my mother used to stitch a few of our clothes. I am married into a family where the extended family business is into tailoring. So looked like there was no way I was escaping this field.
As a mother, I have become very passionate about breastfeeding and everything around it. I know a lot of mothers who face depression when they have to be at home and take care of their child round the clock with no support. For some, nursing in public stops them from meeting a friend, or going on a date with their husband. It is important for these mothers to step out in confidence and be able to nurse their baby in public without having to worry about what the world has to say. And every time a customer buys a nursing wear and is happy with the product, the feeling of being part of something big is the most rewarding part.
How do you juggle being a SAHM and a Business woman?
The start was a little slow as a schedule had to be set in. But it wasn’t difficult as I had the support of my husband who is equally passionate about what I am doing. Whenever he can and is at home, he ensures that I am given all the time and space to dedicate time to the business. Apart from that I am working when my daughter is at playschool or is sleeping. So it’s been going great till now and I hope it only gets better from here.
What’s next for T&S?
T&S started with regular kurtis and we slowly moved into short dresses and tops to wear with jeans. We are now looking at moving into party wears. We aim to cover every occasion. We don’t want mothers to be left out only because they don’t have the right kind of nursing wear and can’t nurse their baby otherwise.
Any message to breastfeeding moms?
Trust yourself and your body. Our body is capable of wonders and we shouldn’t under estimate it. It may seem difficult and overwhelming in the beginning, but it is worth every sleepless minute in the long run. When in doubt, always reach out to the right people. Listen to every well-wisher but do your own research and make your move accordingly. And lastly, you are an amazing mom trying to move mountains to give your child only the best; don’t believe in anything less than that.