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Social and Emotional Development Skills to expect at different ages

Social & emotional development of a child is as important as their physical development. When a baby is born & their vaccination chart is shared with parents, kit usually had a chart to track the height, weight, head circumference etc. of the baby. Some hospitals also provide a list of physical milestones to parents to help them understand what’s expected at what age and in case the kid is unable to touch the milestone within the prescribed age gap, pediatrician should be consulted. But only a handful of us actually give the same importance to Social & Emotional development of the baby – while it is equally if not less important.

So here is a brief guideline of what is to be expected of a baby in terms of their social & emotional development.

By the age of 2

By the age of 3

By the age of 4

Shalu Sharma Rathod, EECE Expert, ProEves

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