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DIY Weather Calendar to teach your toddler about the weather

“Learning by doing “.The concept will reach in clear way when we learn by doing as little minds can visualize it. Generally kids will be interested and curious to know about weather. This DIY weather calendar is done by my son, Haren.S who is 5 years old. This activity has turned my kid into the little family weatherman. We have made this as part of our daily routine and very soon we may have a junior meteorologist in our family 🙂

Objectives & Skills of this activity

  1. It teaches the child to understand the concept in better way and to collect the data.
  2. Enhances the observation and fine motor skills in the child
  3. Aids the child to learn about prediction and reality.
  4. Helps the child to get familiarized with different types of weather, changes in weather condition, and days of the week and months of the year.

Things needed


Step 1: Ask the child to cut and paste the days of the week

Step 2: Please do state the month & year “July 2017 followed by dates. You can similarly do it every month based on the interest of the child.

Step 3: Divide it to 8 columns and ask the child to draw line using scale. Paste the stickers such as Sunny, Cloudy, windy, partly cloudy, Rainy, Sunny at intervals, Thunder& lightning

Step 4: Create sub column in each column as “F (stands for Forecast) “and “T (stands for today’s weather)”.Continue it in same format for each column

What you have to do?

Ask the child every day to predict what would be the weather for next day. Put tick (P) in respective column.

On the next day, ask the child to examine the day’s weather. Similarly the child need to put tick (P) in respective column.

For example:

Let’s assume today is July 1 2017, ask the child to predict what would be the weather for July 2, 2017. If child predicts the next day weather as Sunny, put tick (P) under “F”in Sunny column.

On July 2, 2017, ask the child to examine the particular day weather by observing it from nature. If it is raining the particular day, the child need to put tick (P) under “T”in Rainy column.

At the end of the month, ask your child to count how many sunny days there were, repeat it for each of the other types of weather, Finally, discuss with the child by asking lots of questions.

For example:

How many sunny days were there in the week /month of July 2017?

How many cloudy days or rainy days?

Were there more sunny days or rainy days?

What type of weather we had most this week or month?

Similarly start with weather calendars for each month. Over the period of time your child will begin to compare two months and make predictions about upcoming months.

When you have done with all steps, “Congratulations”- You have junior meteorologist at your home now.


Few years before, I wanted to be CEO of a company but now I am CMO (Chief Mommy Officer) of my little hero Haren.I am company secretary by profession but I quit my career to take care of my child. There were several twists and turns in my life but I got new life when my little hero entered my life.Everyday,I learn new thing from my son and I am in love with my journey of learning with my child. You can read more about what we do at my Facebook page and blog “REBORN FOR MY LITTLE HERO”

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