This is a simple DIY continent puzzle created with lamination sheets and Velcro dots .It will help child to learn the continents name, their location and some facts like which is the biggest and which is the smallest continent.
We can extend this activity further by introducing countries and states further.
Material required:-
1) Lamination sheet
2) Colors
3) Continents print out
4) Sketch pen
5) Velcro dots
6) Scissor
How to make it:-
Download the free printable from this link. Take out two copies .You can ask child to color both the copies similarly. Laminate one sheet completely .Cut out the exact shape of continents from the other sheet and laminate each continent separately .
Paste Velcro dots on each continent so that kid can match the each continent based on the continents displayed on the other sheet.
How to Laminate at home:-
It’s a very easy process first place the sheet inside the lamination sheet and put a thin cotton cloth over the lamination sheet and press warm iron box.You are done!
Where to buy online lamination sheets?
There are lots of mompreneur’s selling them ,one such groups is “Just for you”.You can buy from amazon too.
How to Play:-
This is my favorite DIY puzzle so far ,So much of fun with learning.My 4 year old know now all the continents .We can play in so many ways:-
1) Sing the continent rhyme along with your kiddo
“There are 7,
There are 7 continents ,
Europe Asia Africa ,
North and south America ,
Kids will definitely learn the continents by heart after this.
2) You can show the area of continents and teach the smallest continent and biggest continent.
3)You can ask to paste the matching continents on the sheet so it’s a matching activity too.
4) You can name a continent and kid needs to paste that particular one.
5) You can demonstrate that this is our whole world and further breakdown to countries and states.
Believe me after this you will be tempted to make many more DIY puzzles.
Apart from teaching continents there are other hidden benefits :-
1)Kids always enjoyed matching work in our home .It starts with matching real items and then moving onto matching with brings about deep concentration which is calming and deeply satisfying for the child.
2) It provides an opportunity to master a skill and through repetition they can demonstrate a mastery of that skill.
3) For a child matching cards it demonstrates they are capable of making the connection between the real item, the model item and the pictorial presentation.
4) The child is given the opportunity to think and reason and further opportunity to solve a quest and be happy that they reached to an “answer”.
About Me
I am Sakshi bansal mother of two cute kids. I worked in corporate industry for 6 years and now I am associated with ProEves and taking care of my little munchkins.I love creating DIY crafts and doing activities. Its my hobby and passion too. I am slowly getting inspired by Montessori way of teaching and would love to follow this methodology for my younger one.