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How to deal with your Toddler’s Tantrums?

Tantrums and meltdowns are very common and a normal thing for growing kids. But sometimes these meltdowns are so emotionally & physically draining for parents that they too end up having a meltdown at times. Studies show that 60 – 90% two year olds throw tantrums – also known as “Terrible Two” phase. Its worst at around 2.5 – 3 years when the frequency can be as regular as daily. The good news is by the age of 5, the tantrums are usually a history. But to deal with these episodes when they occur is a big challenge for parents.

To understand how to calm your toddler when they have a tantrum & temper fit, it is first important to understand what causes these tantrums. The most important causes of these tantrums are

Although we know the reasons for these episodes, but still tantrums are unavoidable. All we can do is try to calm the kids and make sure the tantrums reduce over time. Here is a list of few techniques & strategies for parents.

Of course we need to manage the regular tantrums of our toddlers but also be vigilant as a parent. The unusual meltdowns might also be pointing towards a bigger problem in hand like physical, emotional or development issues, signs of abuse etc. which need special attention & intervention altogether.

— Shalu Sharma Rathod —

Image Source: Pop Sugar

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