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Why co-sleeping with your baby is a good thing?

It is a well known fact that mother’s sleep goes for a toss as soon her baby arrives. Specially.during the initial months the baby needs constant care & attention. A mother has to be on-job day & night, which results in sleep deprivation in mothers very easily.

Different people have different opinion on how to make sure that both the child & mother get a good much required sleep. In recent years a lot of experts have been emphasizing on benefits & importance of co-sleeping. In simple terms, co-sleeping is an arrangement wherein the baby and mother sleep in close proximity, so either on same family bed or baby’s crib attached to the mothers bed in a way that 3 sides of the crib are intact & secure wherein the fourth side is attached to the mother’s bed.

So, let us look at some of the benefits of co-sleeping & why its advised by the experts

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