It is a well known fact that mother’s sleep goes for a toss as soon her baby arrives. Specially.during the initial months the baby needs constant care & attention. A mother has to be on-job day & night, which results in sleep deprivation in mothers very easily.
Different people have different opinion on how to make sure that both the child & mother get a good much required sleep. In recent years a lot of experts have been emphasizing on benefits & importance of co-sleeping. In simple terms, co-sleeping is an arrangement wherein the baby and mother sleep in close proximity, so either on same family bed or baby’s crib attached to the mothers bed in a way that 3 sides of the crib are intact & secure wherein the fourth side is attached to the mother’s bed.
So, let us look at some of the benefits of co-sleeping & why its advised by the experts
- Parents don’t have to get up from bed, thus get better sleep.
- Babies too get a better sleep because if babies are hungry or uncomfortable, parents are there to feed or soothe them back to sleep before kids can be completely up from sleep.
- The sleeping schedules & day vs. night time patterns are formed earlier & easily in co-sleeping kids.
- Babies who co-sleep have less chances of getting up startled & crying at middle of the night.
- Co-sleeping creates trust & bond between parents & child.
- In initial months & years, regular feeding, including feeding at night helps mothers to maintain a good milk supply.
- The issues of separation anxiety & fear of being alone in dark stays away for kids if the co-sleep with the parents. Thus in long term it also results in higher self esteem, confidence & independence.
- During infancy, co-sleeping babies tend to have more stable body temperatures, blood pressure & heart rhythm.
- According to research, the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome reduces to half when the infants are sleeping either in same room or same bed with parents.
- It saves the cost of having a separate room, bed & sleeping arrangements for kids.
- Research shows that women who co-sleep with their kids tend to be less prone to postpartum depression.
- Last but definitely the best part of co-sleeping with your baby is you wake up to all the lovely smiles, kisses & hugs.