Using a Baby Led Weaning practice to initiate solid foods to your baby is a great way to start babies eating really fresh and wholesome foods. From six months onwards, you can start to give him/her food to hold and (attempt to) eat. These finger foods are simple to make as well as healthy and easy for baby to eat using fingers:
Apple, Avocado and banana are best options for fruit finger foods. You can simply wash and peel the raw apple and give it to your baby to gnaw on or you can cut it into large chunks. You may want to offer baby a banana that has been mashed so that there is more control over the portion that she will be eating. Avocado is a good choice as finger food and it tastes pleasant as well. You can cut it into large dices and mash it.
Cooked Rice
Cook up some rice and then let your baby pick at and eat them. Allow her taste bud to get variety of foods and once she has been introduced to a variety of foods, mix all sorts of healthy and tasty foods into his rice meals!
Vegetable Chunks
Try chunks of steamed broccoli, carrots, green beans, baked pumpkins, fried tofu. These options make great finger foods
Scrambled eggs
Scrambled eggs are a great baby led weaning food as they are soft, tasty and easily manageable.
Sweet Potato
Baked or steamed sweet potato is a great option for beginner food. Cut it into thick sticks and bake like fries or steam it and then mash it a bit.
Finger foods need not to be always fruits and vegetables. You can give soft cooked pasta or small bits of cheese cubes dusted with black salt.