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Importance of teaching life skills to toddlers

I’m Sowndharya Harsha graduate in business management, worked as a quality analyst and later married a business man from Mysore.

After becoming a mother, positive and early parenting has been my mantra. I ensure i talk to my son alot. I have  never forced him to do any activities as all kids do.

All kids​ are different, because my son was little behind in milestone of walking and talking I mainly concentrated​ on activities  based on his interest. My son was more interested in physical activities than sorting and colouring so involved him in all my daily chores , every day he helps me in putting clothes for washing, cooking, folding the laundry, washing plates etc. This has made him meet his lagging milestones and also made him an active member of the house. The life skills  help him in developing  motor skills and improving hand-eye coordination. This also means he has lesser time to create a mess.

To my surprise over the months he has also developed lots of interest in activities like sorting, colouring, books, puzzles, memory game, matching shapes colors. Some of his favorites are mentioned below –

  1. Vegetable and Colours sorting activity – can easily be executed through Printables from Pinterest and other blogs. Helps in concentration and improves retention skills.
  1. DIY sliding and connecting ball game which really help in eye and hand coordination , concentration, over all it a fun activity which engages kids as well.

These posts are part of Creative Mommy Series we are running in the Facebook Group : Early Learning and Positive Parenting India for Preschoolers and Toddlers – A forum to interact and exchange thoughts about early learning and purposeful play. Share one’s experiences on child development.This is also place to encourage DIY learning aids and easy to make play materials by including daily routine activities.

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