Oral thrush in little children can be seen as a white coating on the baby’s tongue, along with white, curd-like patches, that do not rub off easily, elsewhere in the mouth. The causative organism of oral thrush is various species the commonly known fungus Candida, the cause of nappy rashes as well.
Candida sp. is an opportunistic pathogen commonly found in the normal flora of humans. Normally, Candida numbers are kept in check by the helpful bacteria in the human flora. However, in individuals with weak immune systems such as little babies and recuperative adults it can overgrow and infect the membranous tissues such as found in the mouth. Oral thrush also affects children who have recently undergone an antibiotic treatment, as antibiotics reduce the numbers of helpful bacteria in the child’s mouth, allowing the fungus to grow unchecked.
One way to prevent oral thrush in newborn infants is for pregnant women to consult their physicians for the treatment of vaginal yeast infection such as vaginal itching and a cheesy white discharge to prevent Candida transmission to the baby during vaginal birthing. Nursing women who are experiencing nipple thrush (characterized by nipple discharge or pain) or have recently taken antibiotics must also get themselves examined by a doctor, which could be transferred to the mouth of the baby during feeding.
Sterilizing the bottles and other equipment as well as the toys that your baby puts in the mouth regularly can also help keep oral thrush at bay. In addition, washing hands thoroughly after changing the baby’s nappy can also help in preventing thrush because the infection can be passed through their digestive system.
Home remedies for Oral Thrush in infants:
- Feed Acidophilus to your baby: Acidophilus is a powdered form of helpful bacterial species commonly found in the human gut flora. Intestinal bacteria prevent the overgrowth of Candida sp. in the body. Combine powdered acidophilus with water or breast milk to form a paste. Rub this paste in the affected areas once daily until the infection clears up. Alternatively, a teaspoonful of the powder can be added to the child’s milk, once a day, if the baby is bottle-feeding to clear the oral thrush.
- Grapefruit Seed Extract: The antiseptic property of Grapefruit seed extract is considered to be beneficial in the treatment of oral thrush in infants & young children. Mix 10 drops of Grapefruit seed extract to an ounce of distilled water and apply this solution to the child’s mouth once every hour. If the thrush doesn’t begin to clear by the second day, increase the strength of the solution by diluting 15-20 drops of the extract to distilled water.
- Yogurt: If the child can consume yogurt, feeding her/him yogurt will have a treatment effect similar to Acidophilus. Yogurt is a rich source of lactobacilli which are also a common gut flora resident. If your child is very young then, apply a small quantity of yogurt using a clean cotton swab to the affected area.
- Baking Soda paste: The application of baking soda paste is an effective way of treating both oral thrush in babies & nipple thrush in mothers. Mix a teaspoonful of baking soda to a cup of water and apply to the afflicted areas.
- Coconut oil: The Caprylic acid present in coconut oil is an effective anti fungal agent. After ascertaining that your child is not allergic to coconut oil, apply organic coconut using a clean cotton swab to the affected area.
- Salt water solution: Mix half teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm distilled water & apply to the affected area.
Two main antifungal drugs are used for the treatment of oral thrush in babies:
- Miconazole: Usually the first treatment recommended by a doctor. It is available as a gel that is applied to the affected areas using a clear finger. A few babies feel sick after being treated with miconazole, but this side effect gradually passes without becoming a cause of concern.
- Nystatin: In some cases, the doctor may recommend another medicine called Nystatin. This comes in the form of a liquid medicine (suspension) that is applied directly to the affected area using a dropper. Nystatin usually does not cause any side effects.
These medicines usually need to be used up to four times a day and are most effective if used after your baby has been fed. Continue the medication for two days after the infection has cleared up, as this will help the re-occurrence of the infection. If the thrush has not fully cleared after a week of treatment, visit your doctor again for the advice.
Bonus Reads : Why salt and sugar is a big NO for babies below 1 year of age? and if you are concerned that your baby is not gaining enough weight, you can try these Top 11 Healthy weight gain foods for children above 6 months.