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5 Effective ways to prevent post pregnancy breast sagging

Sagging breasts are a common problem for a new mom post pregnancy. Most women who breastfeed notice that their breasts sag. This happens because during pregnancy and while nursing, hormones cause breast tissue to expand, and the surrounding skin stretches to accommodate this. Fortunately there are non-surgical solutions that can help prevent sagging and get those boobs looking perky again once your baby is weaned.

Keep these 5 pointers in mind on how to prevent breast from sagging after pregnancy:

Wear A Good Supportive Bra:
A good supportive bra is must. Opt for a bra that is the correct fit. Nothing can be done about the size and weight of your breasts but ensuring that they are constantly supported will help prevent unnecessary stretching of the ligaments that provide the support. This means wearing a bra during nights. Be prepared for one set of measurements during nursing and a different one after you wean. Your “final” size may not be fully settled until a few months after you wean. Once again, a proper fitting will ensure that you are wearing the right size that offers good support.

Once your doctor gives you green signal for exercise, you should continue to exercise on a regular basis. Regular exercise will help you lose the weight gained during pregnancy (weight gain can also contributes to sagging) and will improve muscle tone while you are still breastfeeding. Add some type of strength training to your routine. Strengthening your core and back muscles will also give you a big boost by bettering your posture and allowing you to hold yourself taller and appear less saggy.

Keep Your Skin Moisturized:
Plain cocoa butter, shea butter, almond oil, or a wide variety of baby-safe, specially formulated skin moisturizers can aid the elasticity, collagen production and general resilience of breast skin. Combine moisturizing with a little uplifting breast massage to feel perkier instantly.

Massage With Hot And Cold Water:
A simple rinse of cold water after a steamy shower helps the skin around the breasts contract and lift. The hot water improves blood circulation while the cold water helps with toning and tightening of the skin. Always finish your shower with cold water.

Eat collagen rich food:
Collagen can help strengthen the connective tissue found in the breast. Some collagen rich food includes pork, chicken, cabbages, soy products, Red fruits like apples, oranges, cherries, strawberries and red vegetables like beets, red peppers, red potatoes, black or green olives. If you can opt for collagen supplements after you have stopped breastfeeding.

Bonus: Here is a list of food items to help you increase breast milk supply, and some tips to help you get back into shape post pregnancy.

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