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Why it is important to take care of baby’s milk teeth?

What do you think is the most common chronic disease in children?
How many of you would say asthma? Or maybe heart disease? Or probably would go with diabetes?
Would it surprise you, if you heard that it is Dental caries?
Yes, cavities in teeth are much more common than one thinks and much more dangerous than one often imagines!

How many of you have said at least once, that milk teeth are temporary or that we needn’t bother about milk teeth as they will anyways fall out? I know most are guilty of this.

Well, they wouldn’t have existed if they didn’t serve any purpose!

Milk teeth are important because they

Also of importance are the facts that –

Also, you would be surprised to know that the last milk tooth falls when a child is about 12 years old. A body part that lasts for so many years, almost 20 % of one’s average lifetime, and has repercussions on lifelong health, doesn’t deserve to be neglected.

Fun fact
Did you know the name “milk” teeth comes from the fact that the refractive index of milk teeth is similar to that of milk? Milk teeth resemble the color of milk and hence are whiter than permanent teeth.

While you are taking care of your baby’s oral health, also ensure that your child is getting enough iron.

Dr Punitha S Kamath

A pediatric dentist with 14 years of clinical experience in dentistry of which 9 years are exclusive to pediatric dentistry. A gold medalist graduate Dr Punitha holds numerous university ranks and has authored international and national publications. A mother herself, she enjoys working with children and hopes to inculcate in them a positive attitude towards better oral health.

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