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Top 5 reasons why your child won’t eat

child not eating

There is everything that you love about your child. His milestones of walking to speaking, his dimple cheeks, sloppy kisses and a lot more. There are many other things that make you go crazy and the most frustrating of them are when they don’t eat. As a mom, you prepare food for the child keeping in mind the required nutrients and your child refuses to eat. “Mom, I am not hungry”, this sentence would also sometimes make you loose your temper.  In such a situation it is important to understand the reasons of his constant refusal to eat food and the remedies for them.

Here are some top reasons your toddler won’t eat and how to deal with them –

1. Too tired to eat

The whole day your kid is running everywhere and has been busy playing, studying etc.  He might be rubbing his eyes or getting cranky so it is time for him to take rest. He will refuse to eat, as he is too tired to sit and chew.

Solution – try serving food earlier when his energy levels are high. Have proper mealtime.

2. Your child is a fussy eater

This is a phase through which each toddler passes. They would simply reject dishes that you must have prepared with loads of effort. Do not worry this is a normal behavior.  Let him choose what he wants to eat.

Solution – try offering your child a dessert or something else that he likes along with other nutritious food. And please don’t be guilty about that!

3. Your child has sensitive taste buds

There are children who do not like bitter taste and this can lead to selective eating, especially of vegetables. In such a scenario, pushing for veggies will worsen the situation,

Solution – understand which type of food your child doesn’t like to eat. The food your child enjoys the most, focus on those.

4. Dinners are boring, snacks are fun to eat

If your child is filling up his stomach on snacks then there is no room left for eating dinner.

Solution – Properly space out the meals for your child. Try to include your child’s favorite meals in dinner and keep snacks regular like fruits or soup.

5. Constipation

A child who is constipated may stop eating and unable to explain this change.

Solution – as a parent keep a check on your child’s excretion cycle. If the problem persists for long, consult a pediatrician.

Feeding your child is one of the toughest jobs to handle. Manage your expectations well and make mealtimes pleasant for them. Your strategy to handle their eating habit can make this job simpler.

Happy eating!

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