Being a toddler ain’t easy and being a toddler mom isn’t easy for sure. Toddlers are developing their own individuality and choices, exploring and learning new things. Therefore, meal times with toddlers require a mix of fun and companionship with hard work.
Maintain regularity in meal times
Maintaining routine from a young age goes a long way in shaping healthy eating habits. It is also advisable not to plan any supper time just before a nap. In addition to three normal meals, the toddler can also be offered two to three small healthy snacks during the day. These may comprise of rice cakes, plain wheat biscuits, soft fruit slices, yogurt, cheese cubes, crackers or a small sandwich.
Refrain from offering too many drinks such as juice, as this can fill up your toddler’s little belly and make her/him appear fussy at mealtimes. Give your little one water to drink during meals.
It is also advisable to let your child decide how much food she/he requires at each meal.
Tickle your child’s funny bone during mealtimes
Bring in inventiveness and creativity and serve food in exciting shapes and sizes to motivate fun and play. You may use cookie cutters in interesting shapes to create star, heart or animal shaped sandwich breads.
Think of fun ways to arrange and name food. For example, you may name broccoli and cauliflowers in vegetables as “Trees”. Another useful strategy can be rewarding your child every time a piece of food goes into their mouth. Don’t worry a lot about mess. Your young one will probably eat more if she is allowed to feed by herself.
Get your child involved with food
Toddlers love being involved in the process of shopping, cooking and choosing what to eat. You may take your child to the supermarket and ask her/him to spot easily distinguishable items such as carrots, tomatoes, apples etc. and congratulate them when she/he gets it right. Remind them that the food they are eating is the one they cleverly found in the supermarket.
Make a seat for your toddler in the kitchen and let her/him watch and listen to you as you prepare they meal. Talk to your child while you cook. Ask your child to choose which fruits or vegetables they’d want to have with their meal or give them a choice of drinks to choose from. They’ll love being involved in the decision making process.
New Parent’s Program – Expert led program on fitness, nutrition for moms, child food, sleep, safety guidance and more at Happy Minds International, Powai and Safari Kid India, Bandra.
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