Becoming a Dad is an awesome experience yet a great responsibility. Here are a few things, a new father should keep in mind with to make this a lifelong memory:
1. Become Your Mate’s Best Buddy:
Your wife is now a mother and her life has taken a new direction. She has so much to do, so much to sacrifice and so much to love in the form of little bundle of joy. Understand that this helpless newborn will be your wife’s top priority for some time. Help your wife heal from the physical and emotional rigors of giving birth. The first three to four months after the baby’s birth will present some never-seen-before challenges on one hand and memories for life on the other. Hold on, be on your wife’s side, do those things that matter (like changing the diapers, being with the baby as your wife rests, cooking on days your wife is tired and giving your wife all the love you can) and you will have the relationships to last a lifetime. Stock up on the routine home requirements and kitchen cupboards, as well as on baby supplies like diapers, wipes, etc.
2. Take care of the little one:
Burp the baby after feed. Put the baby to sleep and take care when she is awake. Be on top of her vaccination and doctor visit plan. Your bond with the little one will go a long way in her holistic development.
3. Ensure safety of your child:
Use a rear-facing car seat in the backseat. Do not leave the baby in the places where he/she can roll off and fall. Avoid common infections by not exposing your newborn to a lot of people. If someone has to touch your baby, allow them to touch him/her only after cleaning their hands with a disinfectant. Begin using an insect repellent when the baby turns two months old, if necessary. Begin cleaning your newborn’s teeth once he/she starts getting them. Childproof the house before the baby starts to move about it.
4. Learn how to change diapers:
Along with how to pack a diaper bag with the essential items like Diapers, wipes, a change of clothing (atleast one), and a burp rag. If formula-feeding should pack a few bottles, formula, and water as well.
5. Spend as much time as possible with your Baby:
Every moment spent with the baby in his/her first year will be a memory to cherish. From the first smile to the first step, everything will be a divine experience. Spending precious moments with the baby will develop a golden bond with your cute little one.
6. Prepare for the future:
Start planning your long-term finances for the safe future of your newly extended family. Take good care of yourself, to take care of your family. Sit down with your wife and prepare a monthly budget that is acceptable to both. Cut down on the unnecessary expenses. Remember that these challenges will turn into blessings in the future.
After all being a dad is one of the most wonderful feeling!!
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