I woke up at 6:30AM like every other day. Bub was still sleeping, managed to sneak out to make tea, thought of sitting by the balcony door and enjoying the tea.
Opening the refrigerator I realised there was no milk at home. But i wanted my tea, so I quickly ran to my dear neighbor, borrowed some milk, and made tea. Then sat down to take the first sip and just at that moment, husband called in a nervous voice and asked to bring the thermometer, bub was having temperature. Went with the thermometer, checked on bub, came back, heated the tea, sat down yet again to take the first sip. Bub woke up crying for me. Went back, breastfed her, came back, heated the tea, sat down to take the first sip, and “ding dong” the trash collecting people were at the door.
I took a deep breath still believing i will get my “Tea time” – Emptied the trash, came back, heated the tea, sat down to take the first sip, baby pooped and husband was in the shower. Cleaned all that, came back, heated the tea, sat down to take the first sip, ironing lady came to take clothes.
Dug out all the clothes, gave her, came back, heated the tea, sat down to take the first sip, and neighbor’s toddler put her finger in a buckle and was crying her lungs out, there was no one around, went to help her out.
Came back, heated the tea, sat down to take the first sip, mommy dearest called complaining how I just don’t bother to call her. In the meanwhile, husband had lost his ID card, moisturizer was emptied on the baby’s tricycle since plastic tricycles need a lot of moisturizing in winters according to the baby, and I saw husband generously emptying my body shop body butter on his 6 foot bear body. I cried a bit, found Vaseline for him, consoled mom.
Came back, kept the tea in the microwave, turned on and the UPS breathed its last. There was no power.
I am planning to drink vodka now, 9:30 in the morning, anyone wants to join?
— Poorvie Desai —