In a metro like Mumbai, everything including life runs on tracks and everything seems as a mad race. We have more nuclear families than joint families which means a constant struggle for working couples. This becomes tougher when they become a new parents. My story is not any different.
I was happily working for an IT firm. I remember the day when my pregnancy test showed positive line and I was on cloud nine. The journey to become a mommy was not easy; it took 4 long years to bring my angel and bundle of joy in this world. The journey was and still, full of roller coaster ride. Leaving him behind for 12 hours was tough.
After a year of extended maternity leave, joining office was nothing but a curse. The guilt and pain are still irreversible. But I knew he is in safe hands with my parents being at home. Although somewhere in the corner of my heart the emptiness was there which made me feel weak. Resuming the job was completely my decision; it would not have mattered to my husband and family if I would have decide to give it up.
Once I started working, never ending questions & thoughts pertaining to my baby’s health, safety, and hygiene started haunting me. New moms in my circle had left their career and decided to become full-time stay at home moms. At times I found them sensible as they knew what their priorities were. I was in the midst of constant dilemma and confusion. Once when I was at my mom’s place, having evening tea during our conversation, I told her ” Ma I don’t think so I will be able to continue with my career. I cannot leave him alone. He needs me 24/7″. My mom looked at me, took my hand and said, he will always need you “Beta”. A child always needs his/her mother. There is not a single day or minute when a child does not need his mother or vice versa. But there comes a point when they grow up and have their own terms and way to look at life. Women are ready to sacrifice their dreams and aspirations when it comes for the kid or the family. I know there would be a time where managing the kid, home and office could land you in a tight spot. But you have to be strong both for you and your child. He will look up to you.
My parents instilled in me the confidence that I can manage everything along with this supported me in my working days, taking care of my son. Indeed my days have been tough while working, meeting project deadlines along with my toddler’s mood swing. His tantrum used to decide my reporting time to office, which at times was very stressful. Last but not the least maid’s unplanned leave and resignation ( For hike in salary) was as good as paying a ransom to them. But all this I think made me handle the toughest of situations and find a way to resolve them. The monetary independence gave me the confidence and the freedom to get the best of things for my toddler.
Earlier my identity was MBA In Operations with IT experience in Corporate, Now I am known as a “Super Duper Working Mother”. The one who manages her career with great achievements and is a loving Medhansh ki mummy. This gives me immense happiness and all my efforts are paid off.
Today, daycares have come forward to support working mothers by providing a safe and joyful environment for their children, while they are working.
Amelio Early Education – To know more, register here
The Learning Curve India – To know more, register here
Maple Bear – To know more, register here
Ipsaa – To know more, register here