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7 Immunity booster power foods for your child

Accept it or not our kids are exposed to endless germs and viruses. We do not want to steal their childhood by locking them indoors all the time. There are ways that you can follow to build their immunity system. Here is what you need to consciously add to their food to increase their immunity.

  1. Yogurt – It contains probiotics, the good bacteria in abundance. It helps in strengthening the intestinal track in children and prevents and gastric tendencies. Include it in various forms like plain curd, curd with fruits, chaas, lassi, dips and raitas. It is easily available and can be prepared at home as well.
  2. Walnuts – They are a rich source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids which help your body fight illness. You can eat them as a snack or mix in cereal, cakes. You can also mix them with other dry fruits like like almonds, pistachios, raisins, dates.
  3. Fruits – The more the merrier. Choose berries, pomegranate which are easily available during this season. Make a habit of having three portions of fruit of three different colors
  4. Vegetables – Like it or not, they are very important. Bell peppers, broccoli and sweet potatoes win the race when it comes to building immunity. Spinach and fenugreek are also rich sources of iron, folic acid, and zinc. Bell peppers can be served as a salad. You can make a frankie and serve it with a lot of veggies
  5. Garlic – Garlic has both antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial and antioxidant properties. It stimulates production of white blood cells which helps in immunity building. You can start garlic as soon as your baby is a year old. Start with 1-2 cloves in his soup or dal.
  6. Pulses – they are a rich source of protein.  Use different types of pulses on a weekly basis – rajma, chana, moong are good source of protein.
  7. Oats and Barley –They are rich in beta-glucan and are a source of fibre as well. This helps in cleaning the intestines and avoids constipation. You can have barley soup and make oats porridge, oats uttapam depending on the taste and texture that your child enjoys.

So next time when you plan a meal for your child, keep this in mind. If you are making a pulao, you know which veggies to add. If your child is hungry remember what to give him as snacks.

While food is an important constituent of building immunity, focus on these three aspects as well to build immunity

  1. Exercise as a family
  2. Maintain good hygiene habits and
  3. Give your child sometime to cure on his/ her own than running to the pediatrician for medicine every time.
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