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Top 6 signs to check your breastmilk supply

Often new mom’s think their milk supply is not enough for their babies. Feel of your breast, not able to pump enough milk, frequency of nursing are not proper ways to determine low milk supply. If your baby is exclusively breastfeed and gaining proper weight, then you are producing enough breast milk. Even if you are not keeping a check on the weight of the baby the adequate amount of wet diapers clearly show that your feeding is enough and you have an adequate amount of milk supply.

Here are some important signs that indicate your baby is receiving enough milk:

Symptoms of low milk supply are:

Although this is quite rare because the more the baby latches, the more milk mother’s body will produce.

Causes of low milk supply:

Most important you should feel confident that you are providing enough milk to the baby.

And don’t hesitate to ask for help from your midwife, maternity support worker, health visitor, breastfeeding counselor or baby feeding specialist at any time.

Still if you feel you are having a low milk supply, you can try these food items to boost your breast milk supply.

Image Source: TheAsianParent

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