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Is it just Women who need parenting support?

Working Dads – Equally Important

Insights from ProEves Working Parents Survey on Appropriate Number of Paternity Leave **

78% of working fathers emphasise the need for at least a month of parenting leave, some of which can be spread across a year. A whopping 93% of working mothers feel that there is a need of more than a month of paternity leave. With nuclear families and evolving roles this is the need of the hour.  Snapdeal’s campaign on #FathersCanBeMothersToo on Father’s Day of including sign of dads as well in the baby changing room is a very pertinent example and has been very well received by today’s working class. Many companies and individuals in senior and mid leadership positions are signing the #HeForShe campaign. It is important to live these values and be inclusive to the needs of working parents.

India Inc support to parents could go a long way

We would like to hear your views.

Source :* Pew research, Little Tikes , Forbes,, ** ProEves survey with 80 working parents 

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