“Dad I need more money to go to café coffee day, I cannot concentrate without their coffee”.
“Again? Just yesterday you went there. Too much coffee is not good for you and it costs a lot too”.
Daily this kind of conversation with his 15 year old son Aditya left Mr. Sharma in a puzzled state because he couldn’t figure out a way to deal with this situation. He feared that it will impact Aditya’s health and it’s also a waste of money which Aditya did not understand at that moment. This had been going on since last two months in the Sharma household. Mr. Sharma was in a fix. How to make his son Aditya understand the value of money and also the consequences of having daily coffee on his health. It is important to make children responsible for their own lives and also to teach them to manage their finances independently.
But the question arises how do we do that?
Taking the time to apply some of these financial tips can help your child’s future attitude toward spending and saving money.
Image Source: www.worldwomanwarrior.com