Gross Motor Skills are the skills that develop through using the large muscles of the body in a coordinated and controlled way. Movements of the whole arms, the legs and the trunk are all gross motor movements. Activities such as standing and walking, running and jumping, and sitting upright at the table. They also includes eye-hand coordination skills such as ball skills (throwing, catching, kicking) as well as riding a bike or a scooter and swimming.
Why are gross motor skills important?
- Gross motor skills are important to enable children to perform every day functions, such as walking and running.
- Playground skills (climbing, running) and sporting skills (catching, throwing and hitting a ball with a bat).
- It is crucial for everyday self care skills like dressing (where you need to be able to stand on one leg to put your leg into a pant leg without falling over) and climbing into and out of a car or even getting into and out of bed.
- Gross motor abilities also have an influence on other skills like fine motor skills (writing, drawing and cutting) which then impacts on their academic learning.
- Impacts the ability to navigate your environment like; walking around classroom items without banging on desk, up a sloped playground hill or to get on and off a moving escalator.
Without fair gross motor skills, a child will struggle with many day to day tasks such as a eating, packing away their toys, and getting onto and off the toilet or potty.
How Can I Improve My Child’s Skills?
- Spend a few minutes in an organized gross motor activity with your children & their friend. Show them how to play some relay races, build an obstacle course, or jump rope. They would love having you involved in their games, and this will help your child in gross motor.
- Make frequent park visits and encourage your child to climb, swing and run. Make the most use of the equipment available in park; like swing, slider encourage for cycling.
- Let your child help you with yard clean up by collecting sticks or raking leaves. Anytime he has to bend down and pick something up he is strengthening his legs and working on his balance.
Gross motor skills are the abilities usually acquired during childhood as part of a child’s motor learning. Maple Bear have list of activities which promotes gross motor skills, fine motor skill, creativity and so much for the kids. Want to know more about Maple Bear Kolkata? Register Here