Your baby is most fragile in her first four months. Her head is bigger than her body, and
her neck isn’t strong enough to stabilize it. Hence utmost care should he taken in the first
few months. Around the four month mark the baby will start putting things in his mouth, that’s when
you will need to start making sure that everything around the house is child friendly.
Shalini Ahuja Agarwal CEO of Safe Baby, India’s first professional child safety company in association with Podar Jumbo Kids shares some tips for new mothers on keeping their infants safe.
Taking a class on infant and child CPR is extremely beneficial. Encourage your spouse
and other care-takers of your child to take the class.
For starters, here is how to choose your child’s essential products safely:
1. Crib
- Be sure the space between crib slats is less than 6cms
- Make sure the crib is assembled correctly
- The mattress should be firm and fit well in the crib. If you can put 2
2. High chair
- Should have a wide, stable base
- The chair should have both safety straps, one that goes around your baby’s
waist and also between her legs. Preferably it should be a locking system - A high chair with a post to go between your baby’s leg is a safer option
3. Bouncer
- The base should have anti-skid pads
- Choose a seat with a base that is wider than the seat itself
- Once the baby starts turning around, stop using the bouncer, he can tip
over on the side - If the bouncer has an attached toy bar make sure it will not give way if
pulled by the child - Always strap your baby on the bouncer
4. Stroller
- Buy an age appropriate stroller
- When folding or unfolding a stroller keep your child’s fingers clear
- Choose a stroller with a 5 point harness
- Always fasten your baby into her stroller, even if you are going close by
- Never leave your baby unattended in the stroller, even if she is sleeping
- Do not hang anything over the stroller handle, it may tip over
- If you stop with the stroller, apply brakes and keep one hand on stroller.
- Preferably choose a stroller with brakes on two wheels
- If the stroller has a basket for carrying things, make sure the basket is low
on the back of the stroller and directly over or in front of the rear wheels
for proper balance
5. Toys
- Mobile or suspended toys from crib should be fastened securely and
tightly so that the baby cannot pull them down or entangle herself in them - Children’s stuff toys should be thoroughly checked for loose fur, button
eyes or nose. It could be a choking hazard if they are loose - No toys with detachable parts
- Remember the lesser the better
6. Changing table for diaper or how to change diapers safely
- Always keep the changing supplies close to you before you start changing the
diaper - If you are using a changing table make sure the guard rails are 4” high, or at
least 2” high - Guards should be there on all 4 side
- Make sure the changing table cannot tip over
- Always fasten the child if you have the options. Preferably have that options,
around the seventh month changing diaper gets difficult - Never leave the child unattended even for a moment while changing diaper or
a surface above the floor. Even at a young age, she can suddenly extend her
body and flip over the edge
7. Other key pointers:
- Never hold your baby while drinking a hot liquid or cooking by a gas stove
- Do not place a string or necklace around the baby’s neck
- Before placing your baby in the bath, always test the water temperature with
the inside of your wrist. - Do not leave the child unattended in water even for a moment
- Do not use baby or talcum powders on the baby. If inhaled, powders can
cause severe lung damage and breathing problems in babies - Don’t use clothing with drawstrings
- Never heat your baby’s milk (or, later on, food) in a microwave oven
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