Rowena Dsouza’s online bookstore – Changing Hands boasts of a classic collection of both new and preloved books in several languages at incredibly low prices.
Tell us something about yourself?
The first half of my life was spent in the cosmopolitan city of Mumbai. I completed my BA from St Xavier’s College, Mumbai, post which I completed my Masters in Tourism Administration from Central College, Bengaluru. Besides studies, music was an integral part of my teenage years and I sang for one of Mumbai’s top choirs Salvation Singers as well Glorious a Gospel choir in Bengaluru. Even as a child or a growing up teenager, books were an integral part of my life .I would never be seen without a book in my hand or in my bag and would always try and sneak out time to read a few pages during the day.
What inspired you to start Changing Hands Bookshop?
Post marriage, I moved from the concrete jungle to a coffee plantation. A new place, a new language and the complete isolation and lack of social interaction made my love of books even more pronounced. The district I live in lacks a proper bookstore or even a good library. I would buy books at flea markets, or from bookstores on any holiday I went for to keep me going when back home. It was once I had my kids that I felt the lack of a bookstore /library sorely. I would buy books online and at every opportunity to ensure they had a variety of literature to read from. It was then that the seed of inspiration struck and with the backing and full support of my husband, about 2 years ago , I began a small Facebook group to sell books. I am a recycler at heart and preloved books took care of that recycler in me. The name Changing Hands itself is an indication towards the same idea, that good literature should change hands and be spread among as many of us as possible. I also felt the need to promote Indian books largely because I found most parents quite unaware of the treasures to be found in their own country’s literature.
How do you select books for your store?
The books are selected based on my reading experiences and suggestions from friends, blogs and reviews. I am constantly on the lookout for new and interesting titles to add to our collection. Changing Hands is one of the few stores that offers children’s books from prices beginning as low as Rs 5/- . We offer books in a variety of regional languages eg: Hindi , Tamil , Kannada, Urdu , Bengali , Telugu , Konakani , Oriya , Malayalam etc at a click of a button.
How do you manage your business along with managing your family?
Initially when I began selling online my kids were most upset. They could not understand why all the books had to go? But eventually they have begun to understand that it is something I do as a business.Most of the work involved with my book selling is done while the kids are in school, On holidays my family sometimes help with the sorting and packing of the books to individual customers.
Any tips for parents who want to instill love of books in kids from early age?
The best tip I can give any parent is not to force your kids to read. Every child is a reader it is just that they haven’t found the right book yet. Experiment with genres and you will soon discover where your child’s interest lie. Books should not be bought solely with the idea that they are going to teach your kids something, they should be bought to create memories and open a window into a whole new world full of imagination .