A woman will immediately lose some of the pregnancy weight simply by giving birth — namely, the weight of the baby, the placenta and the amniotic fluid. And over the next few weeks, by losing the weight of the extra fluid in her body that built up during pregnancy. After the fluid is also gone, what remains is the extra fat that she added during pregnancy.
Ideally new mothers should lose their extra weight by six months after giving birth or maximum by the end of the year. This is easier said than done. Most new moms may need a structured diet plan, exercise or a weight-loss program to lose their pregnancy weight. But holding on to pregnancy weight can lead to serious health consequences down the road, putting moms at risk for chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes later.
If you are not losing weight, here are some of the top reasons that may be inhibiting your ability to ditch that extra “baby” bulk — whether it’s been a few months, or a few years since the birth of your little one.
Cortisol Hormone
The initial months for new mothers is both a wonderful and a stressful time. When you are stressed your body releases a hormone called cortisol. High levels of stress will lead to high levels of cortisol, a hormone which weakens your immune system, decreases metabolism, and impairs digestion. Cortisol also stimulates your appetite, and fats that are consumed because of stress-induced appetite are more likely to redirect itself to your belly. The combination of your decreased metabolism and increased appetite makes it tougher for you to lose baby weight. So, try to take out some time to relax.
Too Much of a Good Thing Is Still Too Much
If you’ve been eating healthfully and can’t figure out why the extra pounds are still hanging around, the secret may lie in your meals. See just how many calories even those super foods are hiding, and act accordingly.
Stopped Breastfeeding
If you exclusively breastfed your baby for first 6 months, you may have noticed the added benefits that come with burning an impressive 380-600 calories per day. But when the nursing ends? The pounds start coming right back unless you start doing something about them.
A walk in the park may feel like exercise, But it is not
It may not be doing much to burn the calories. To put it into perspective, a 60-minute walk at a brisk (15 minute/mile) pace burns 243 calories. To lose a pound per week, you will need to either cut out or burn 500 calories per day.
Short on Sleep
A recent study found that women who sleep five hours or fewer per night are 32 percent more likely to experience major weight gain over 16 years, according to the American Journal of Epidemiology. Try to manage some sleep time while your baby is sleeping rather than doing household chores or spending time on your smartphones.
The Company You Keep
All new moms are showered with homemade high calorie food items to increase breast milk supply and help recover after giving birth by friends and family. Upto some extent all these superfoods will be good but you know that all this will only add to your ever increasing fat. So, the trick is to maintain the balance by eating healthy rather than think that you will start weight loss after 6 months. Start eating healthy foods and make those around you also to support your wellness goals.
You’re Too Busy to Exercise
A completely valid reason why most moms miss out on exercise, when all of their focus is in raising the little one. It can be helpful to connect with other moms for regular exercise or early morning brisk walks. A support group will bring in the motivation you need.
Now when you are aware of the reasons, here are some tips to lose weight in a healthy way post pregnancy and some secret tips from celebrity moms on getting back in shape post pregnancy.
— Anshika Srivastava —
Image source: www.eatthis.com