Different types of Contractions and what they mean?

Contractions is generally a signal that labor is starting and you are about to give birth. If you are a first time mom the whole experience of pregnancy can be overwhelming. It is expected that you are worried and confused about the pain you will have during that time. Everyone has different experience of contractions and you may also not aware that there are several types of contractions. Experiencing them doesn’t always mean that you are about to give birth. However, one of the most reliable contractions is when you start experiencing consistent contractions.

How exactly are contractions like?

Contractions are felt like pressure wrapping around your back, uterus and the cervix. The stomach becomes hard to the touch. There is an uncomfortable tightening around the abdomen with pain. You can feel that baby is stretching in the womb and putting pressure on the uterus. You’ll notice that the every women has different experience of contraction and every pregnancy is different.

Here’s a guide about different type of contractions and how to know that it’s time to head to the hospital.

  • Braxton Hicks or false contractions: You may experience these contraction around forth month of your pregnancy. They are usually painless, infrequent and irregular. These indicate that your body is preparing the uterine muscles for delivering your baby. They also don’t cause changes to your cervix. These normally happen in your abdomen and makes your belly feel tight. Most women experience these contractions when they are tired, dehydrated, or on their feet too much. It will stop if you take proper rest.
  • Preterm Contractions: If you feel regular or patterned contraction around 37 weeks it may be the sign of premature labor. The pattern may follow contraction in every 10-15 min in every hour. In preterm labor your entire abdomen will get hard and along with tightening in your uterus, you may feel pressure in your pelvis or abdomen. If these symptoms are accompanied by vaginal bleeding, diarrhea, or watery discharge you must rush to your doctor. The cause of preterm labor may be due to:
  • multiples pregnancy
  • abnormal conditions of the uterus, cervix, or placenta
  • high stress levels
  • history of preterm birth
  • certain infections
  • being under- or overweight before pregnancy
  • not getting proper prenatal care

It’s important to pay attention to the duration and frequency of the contractions and the symptoms and consult your doctor immediately.

  • Sex contractions: Intercourse during pregnancy doesn’t increase the risk of premature labor if you are having normal and uncomplicated pregnancy. Little cramps like contractions after intercourse are normal.
  • Actual Contractions: If you have contractions that last for about a minute, and come regularly more often than every five minutes that is considered that you’re in active labour. They are easily noticeable as the pain is persistent and intense. Frequency and intensity increase with time and it doesn’t stop even if your body position changes. Actual contractions can be identified by pain in lower back, lower abdomen and upper thighs. It is followed by reddish discharge and water breakage. This is the time when you should go to hospital.

Almost every expectant woman wishes to have a normal delivery. Here are some tips for a natural delivery.