Top 3 safe ways of reducing constipation during pregnancy

Pregnancy is both a wonderful (and worrisome!) time for most women. Worrisome because many health issues can arise – Constipation being the most common. As many as 50% of pregnant women get constipated at some point. It can be embarrassing to talk about, therefore some women suffer in silence until it becomes a really difficult issue, then doctors prescribe some medicines.

Here are four main reasons for constipation during pregnancy:


The pregnancy hormone progesterone relaxes and slows down the movement of food through your intestines. This can prevent foods from moving along the bowels easily, especially if your diet is low in fiber and water.


It may contribute to your constipation. Iron supplement used to treat anemia may make constipation worse. While you should not give up iron tablets completely, consult your doctor if you can get some amount of the iron requirement from vegetables or foods with high iron content.

Reduced Food and Water Consumption:

If you get morning sickness on a regular basis, you may be eating less than required for healthy bowel movement. On top of that if you vomit as well, you may become dehydrated, which can cause hard stools.

Less Physical activities:

Getting too little exercise is also going to create constipation problems.  If you are inactive, you have a greater chance of having constipation. If you don’t exercise much, your whole system will be sluggish. As your pregnancy progresses, and your baby gets bigger, the pressure he puts on your pelvic area makes constipation more likely.

Here are some safe home remedies that can help relieve constipation:

Exercises for Relief:

Constipation is greatly relieved by a little bit of exercise. Walking, swimming and other moderate exercise helps the intestines work by stimulating your bowels.  Pilates is also very effective. These exercises tone your inner tummy muscles, which help to keep your bowels moving. Practicing yoga positions such as the cat stretch pose (bidaal asana) can keep constipation at bay. The pose is best done in the second trimester under the guidance of an instructor. Consult your doctor before you take on an exercise regimen.

Eat a high fiber diet:

If you are constipated, you can eat certain foods to get relief. The main objective is to eat lots of fiber. Since our body cannot digest fiber, they help in passing of stool. So incorporate a lot of food items that are rich in fiber. A diet high in fiber helps prevention constipation. It also supplies pregnant women with vitamins and antioxidants. Pregnant women should try to consume 25 to 30 grams of dietary fiber each day to stay regular and healthy. Flaxseeds are recommended for constipation. A tablespoonful of seeds need to be soaked in water for some time and taken before going to bed. Flaxseeds absorb all the water and swell, adding bulk.

Drink lots of fluids:

Eight full glasses of fluids (water, vegetable or fruit juice, broth etc.) each day will keep solids moving through your digestive tract at an impressive rate and keep your stool soft (and easier to pass). Remember to cut out drinks that make you pass urine more often, such as tea, coffee, and cola. These diuretics may dehydrate you and make your constipation worse. Sweat, hot/humid climates, and exercise may increase your need for additional fluids.

In addition avoid eating these foods during pregnancy. Also understand why is water intake so important during pregnancy.