Managing a CMPA (cow milk protein allergy) and multiple food and environmental allergy child is never easy. Since my daughter Telisma has a variety of allergy issues, sending her to play area, preparatory school or leaving her alone is not an option.
However she is a child who wants to learn and explore, and what better way than leading her by the cues she provides and engaging her in daily learning activities at home. We do a variety of activities on a daily basis targeting skill sets like practical life, language, social,cognitive, physical, and interpersonal skills.
The below activity is targeting math readiness in Telisma. The objective is to talk about the concept of Big, Medium and Small and then move towards Quantification of Numbers.
Material Used:
- A chalk
- 3 chairs
- Household items like books, spoon, wooden blocks, screwdriver, tiffin box etc.
I have tried to use 3 different sizes (Big, Medium & Small) of a similar item.This gives Telisma a visiual experience of how different these objects are in Size and the variations in them.
Mark the 3 chairs with Big, Medium and Small logo.
Arrange the items based on the size.
We started with introduction of what each Size was called.
Then we used comparative statements like “This is big”. “That is small” to reinforce the difference.
Post which we moved on to individual set of items like the Screwdriver and compared the sizing difference.
The most exciting part of this activity was that, Telisma has been able to identify the Big, Medium and Small and correlated it with her Dad, Me and herself. I am assuming she has used the body structure as a parameter for the same.
Since then we have been reiterating not just Big and Small but also have introduced words like long, short, heavy and light which is helping our math readiness journey
About me:
I am Vanita Rawat Besania a free spirited soul and mommy to an equally fun loving and strong willed girl named Telisma.
Prior to my motherhood journey, I was working as an Operations Manager with Bank of America. Leaving a lucrative job, salary and a happening city like Mumbai was never easy. However i guess the affection and passion of a loving partner and a toddler over powers everything.
Between Telisma and me, We are a mother daughter duo, who love to learn and share our learnings. What we do is unique to us and we love capturing and sharing these moments with others via our FB Group called TelismAntics and her FuntastiCat Mom.
So if you want to see some antics and hear some funny and not so funny conversation of a toddler and her mother, then hop on to our page and meet us in our group.
Stay Happy, Blessed and Connected!