A mom who battled 5 pricks-a-day during her pregnancy to deliver her child

During my first pregnancy I was diagnosed with Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) in which blood clots are created when platelets stick to damaged blood vessels in a vein deep inside the body. DVTs most often block blood flow to the lower leg and thigh, causing symptoms such as leg pain, swelling and warm, red skin. There was a blood clot in the vein which carries blood from my left knee to the ankle. I was immediately put on blood thinners and battled with them till the delivery of my first child. By God’s grace all went well and I had my Little Prince.

During the second pregnancy too, since I had a history of DVT, I was prescribed to be on blood thinners again. The scariest thing was to be pricked everyday with injections. I used to get nightmares of injections and blood during my first trimester. I wished and prayed to have a girl child this time. But my blood reports never kept me to that wish. I had bleeding disorders (reason being DVT) , where there is a risk of being passed to the child. I was shattered, if it’s a girl she may be in the same situation someday like me during her pregnancy. I thought some punishment was given to me and my kids. I started praying not to pass this to my child. In 20 weeks scan we came to know It’s a BOY. It was a mixed feeling of not having my girl and still happy that my boy will not need to go through this problem.

It was just a small relief. You can say a calm before storm. During the third trimester my blood reports came with Gestational Diabetes. This added to the injection pricks for checking my glucose levels 4 times a day. Every week with tests like Non Stress Test, Biophysical Profile, my hospital visits doubled up. I was strictly on diet plan and other pills to keep my glucose levels in control.

Then last trimester came with scarier nightmares of labor pains, operation theatre and what not. With all the above said complications I had planned to go for C-Section as there was a risk of post-partum hemorrhage because of blood thinners if I opted for a normal delivery.

Finally, the day came 11thOctober 2016, it was the Dusshera for the world while we were in the Operation theatre trying to defeat all the pains and welcome the happiness of our lives.

The IV drip, spinal anesthesia and the testing of the numbness happened in no time and I heard the cry of my child. It was a moment of immense happiness to me. My son’s first touch felt like it was worth all the pain I have gone through.

But my problems were not over yet. When I was waiting to take him into my arms, he was taken to NICU to monitor his glucose levels. I was sent to the recovery room. My bleeding hadn’t stopped even after 2 hours of operation, effect of blood thinners. This was the toughest time. And I felt terrible to wait to see my little one. It took me 6 hours to come out of the recovery room.

My first view of my elder one waving me when I was taken to NICU and the happiness in his eyes seeing his younger brother was priceless. It was doubled by taking my younger one into my arms and the best feeling of becoming mother of two.

Priyanka Neelam

From Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, Priyanka is  currently living in Piscatway, NJ  and working as a SAP Consultant. She has recently also started a business consulting company CannyIdeas in partnership . I love to cook, travel places with family and to read .